April 12, 2012

15 ways to order an espresso

Nowhere else but in Italy are there so many different ways to drink a coffee at the bar.

If you think that "an espresso" is the most common order a waiter receives, well, you're wrong. I investigated on which ones are the most popular, and see what I found out...

The caffe' "espresso" (about 0,85 fluid ounces of coffee served in an espresso cup) is the reference model for all the following coffees: 

- doppio = two espressos served in the same cup
- ristretto or corto =  less than the average quantity of one espresso
- lungo = one and a half espressos served in the same cup
- freddo = iced coffee shaked with sugar and served in a glass
- macchiato caldo = espresso coffee with a little amount of hot milk 
- macchiato freddo = espresso coffee with a little amount of cold milk
- americano = very long espresso coffee served in a bigger cup
- corretto = espresso served with a bit of cognac (or other liquor)
- con panna = espresso with a bit of cream
- schiumato = espresso with milk foam
- al vetro = espresso served in a small cup made of glass
- cappuccino = espresso with hot milk and milk foam served in a bigger cup
- caffelatte = espresso with hot milk served in a glass
- marocchino = espresso with a little milk, milk foam and cocoa 
- decaffeinato = espresso without caffeine

...and now you will have to think twice before ordering an espresso!!

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