October 22, 2012

A weekend in the name of art

Somehow, I am proud of myself for having visited the exhibition "Guttuso 1912-2012". Until last Friday, I was absolutely sure I did not like his paintings, but then I realized, that my judgement dated back to a long time ago. And remembering Thoreau's quote: "Things do not change, we change", I wondered whether my artistic taste had changed meanwhile.  If so, why not approaching Guttuso's art once again? After a few phone calls, I had all set: friends, tickets and a late evening dinner reservation.

On the left side of the Monumento al Milite Ignoto (Monument to the unknown soldier), in Piazza Venezia, is located the beautiful entrance to the museum, Complesso del Vittoriano.

Having arranged our visit too shortly in advance, it was impossible to attend a guided tour, so we rented audio guides as to better understand Guttuso's artworks.

After having seen about a 100 of his paintings, I can say, I still do not love so much his early works, but I definitely appreciate some he did later, like the amazingly beautiful "La Vucciria" (1974), which is the name of the market in Palermo

or "Caffe' Greco" (1977), an historical rendez-vous of intellectuals in Via Condotti.

I also love "Ragazzi in Vespa" (1958), which celebrates the Sixties, and "Cani nella notte" (1973). The influence, that other artists had on Guttuso, is clearly identifiable in some of his paintings. Who would not think at Picasso while observing the horses in "Trionfo della guerra" (1966)?

To the spanish painter is dedicated "Il Convivio: Picasso e i suoi personaggi", that Guttuso painted in 1973, when his close friend died.

And once out, a different, but not less impressive scenario hit me.

The area, where the museum is located, is one of the most beautiful of Rome, even at night.

The eternal city is undoubtedly an open air museum. And its entrance is even free of charge...

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